Azioni israeliane

Elenco delle maggiori azioni israeliane che sono quotate pubblicamente e negoziate alla Borsa di Tel Aviv (TASE), che è la principale borsa valori in Israele. Il TASE è stato fondato nel 1953 e attualmente conta oltre 400 società quotate in vari settori dominati dalla tecnologia, dalla finanza e dal settore immobiliare. Le aziende israeliane sono particolarmente note per la loro innovazione e i progressi tecnologici, con molte aziende del settore tecnologico che sono all'avanguardia nei rispettivi settori.

Uno dei più grandi titoli israeliani per capitalizzazione di mercato sono:

  • Teva Pharmaceutical: leader globale nella produzione di farmaci generici
  • Check Point Software Technologies: un fornitore di soluzioni di sicurezza informatica
  • Gruppo Azrieli: sviluppo e gestione di centri commerciali, uffici e immobili residenziali.
Controlla il nostro elenco delle più grandi società israeliane quotate in borsa per capitalizzazione di mercato:
Simbolo Nome Capitalizzazione di mercato in USD
CHKP Check Point Software $19,215,095,808.00
TEVA Teva Pharmaceutical $14,798,388,224.00
CYBR CyberArk Software $11,037,262,848.00
MNDY $10,876,920,832.00
WIX $7,340,628,480.00
GLBE Global-e Online $6,731,128,832.00
SEDG SolarEdge Technologies $4,939,165,696.00
PLTK Playtika $2,812,966,400.00
CLBT Cellebrite DI $2,119,732,224.00
INMD InMode $2,002,831,744.00
PLUS.L Plus500 $1,851,114,575.00
TARO Taro Pharmaceutical Industries $1,590,204,416.00
ZIM ZIM Integrated Shipping Services $1,516,377,728.00
FVRR Fiverr International $1,129,880,704.00
KRNT Kornit Digital $942,242,816.00
NGMS NeoGames SA $941,356,864.00
WKME WalkMe $913,353,408.00
RSKD Riskified $827,196,032.00
NNOX Nano-X Imaging $771,882,176.00
RDWR Radware $768,694,144.00
SMWB Similarweb $658,307,968.00
CGNT Cognyte Software $539,063,296.00
ITRN Ituran Location and Control $521,809,120.00
TRMR Tremor International $370,102,496.00
INVZ Innoviz Technologies $277,015,200.00
VLN Valens Semiconductor $263,489,440.00
CRNT Ceragon Networks $235,454,528.00
1696.HK Sisram Medical $233,624,659.00
RDCM RADCOM $146,079,088.00
WILC G. Willi-Food International $138,531,328.00
CSTE Caesarstone $132,918,552.00
MDWD MediWound $117,453,368.00
SILC Silicom $103,573,928.00
ELTK Eltek $99,374,112.00
RWLK ReWalk Robotics $63,031,832.00
CLGN CollPlant Biotechnologies $62,302,688.00
REE REE Automotive $62,125,984.00
TRNLY The Trendlines $60,398,960.00
NSPR InspireMD $57,752,928.00
DTZ.AX Dotz Nano $56,231,791.00
DRIO DarioHealth $54,973,692.00
GMDA Gamida Cell $50,535,460.00
MNDO MIND C.T.I. $41,732,856.00
MWE.L M.T.I Wireless Edge $40,853,040.00
ELS.AX Elsight Limited $35,433,651.00
PLUR Pluri $31,939,754.00
ADXS Ayala Pharmaceuticals $31,038,896.00
SLGL Sol-Gel Technologies $30,086,210.00
PYPD PolyPid $29,886,868.00
ENTX Entera Bio $29,090,566.00
BABY.TO Else Nutrition $20,275,460.00
CTGL Citrine Global $18,348,376.00
STKH Steakholder Foods $18,232,710.00
IINN Inspira Technologies Oxy $17,914,624.00
RDHL RedHill Biopharma $16,149,520.00
BOSC B.O.S. Better Online Solutions $15,866,780.00
CHEK Check-Cap $12,636,217.00
SBW.AX Shekel Brainweigh $11,561,011.00
SVRE SaverOne $10,611,936.00
PHGE BiomX $10,602,965.00
ADCO.TO Adcore $8,238,693.00
W2V.AX Way 2 Vat $7,256,237.00
MDGS Medigus $5,778,865.00
USDR UAS Drone Corp $5,228,861.00
SVFD Save Foods $4,462,790.00
PRFX PainReform $4,315,891.00
IMCC IM Cannabis Corp $4,018,230.00
SEFA.L Shefa Gems $3,670,718.00
NGS.AX Nutritional Growth Solutions $2,302,908.00
SCNI Scinai Immunotherapeutics $2,219,484.00
ENET.L Ethernity Networks $1,920,082.00
GLMD Galmed Pharmaceuticals $1,522,996.00
SPCB SuperCom $1,247,486.00
SANO1.TA Sano Bruno's Enterprises $0.00
CEL.TA Cellcom Israel $0.00
CANF.TA Can-Fite BioPharma $0.00
DNYA.TA Danya Cebus $0.00
BLRN.TA BladeRanger $0.00
PRSK.TA Prashkovsky Investments and Construction $0.00
MLTM.TA Malam - Team $0.00
ARDM.TA Aerodrome Group $0.00
PERI.TA Perion Network $0.00
ORAD.TA Orad $0.00
NOFR.TA O.Y. Nofar Energy $0.00
PHTM.TA Photomyne $0.00
DIFI.TA Direct Finance of Direct Group $0.00
PLCR.TA Plasto-Cargal Group $0.00
SLARL.TA Sella Capital Real Estate $0.00
AILN.TA Axilion Smart Mobility $0.00
NTML.TA Neto Malinda Trading $0.00
KDST.TA Kadimastem $0.00
AFRE.TA Africa Israel Residences $0.00
BRAM.TA Bram Industries $0.00
LAPD.TA Lapidoth Capital $0.00
NFTA.TA Naphtha Israel Petroleum $0.00
PLSN.TA Plasson Industries $0.00
RSEL.TA RSL Electronics $0.00
BOLT.TA BioLight Life Sciences $0.00
DLTI.TA Delta Israel Brands $0.00
TGTR.TA Together Pharma $0.00
ELWS.TA Electreon Wireless $0.00
ISHI.TA Israel Shipyards Industries $0.00
HUMX.TA Human Xtensions $0.00
INRM.TA Inrom Construction Industries $0.00
ILDC.TA The Israel Land Development Company $0.00
MRHL.TA Merchavia and Investments $0.00
CRSM.TA Carasso Motors $0.00
PNAX.TA Panaxia Labs Israel $0.00
IDIN.TA I.D.I. Insurance Company $0.00
TASE.TA The Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange $0.00
SVRT.TA SavorEat $0.00
LVPR.TA Levinstein Properties $0.00
AURA.TA Aura Investments $0.00
UPSL.TA Upsellon Brands $0.00
TIGI.TA Tigi $0.00
DISI.TA Discount Investment $0.00
ALMD.TA Allmed Solutions $0.00
MAXO.TA Max Stock $0.00
GIX.TA Gix Internet $0.00
DRAL.TA Dor Alon Energy In Israel $0.00
NXGN.TA Nextgen Biomed $0.00
DORL.TA Doral Group Renewable Energy Resources $0.00
PLNT.TA PlantArc Bio $0.00
VTNA.TA Vitania $0.00
GLTC.TA Galileo Tech $0.00
IES.TA I.E.S $0.00
XTLB.TA XTL Biopharmaceuticals $0.00
SCOP.TA Scope Metals Group $0.00
ARTS.TA Airtouch Solar $0.00
NVLG.TA Novolog $0.00
AMX.TA Automax Motors $0.00
LEVI.TA Meshulam Levinstein Contracting & Engineering $0.00
BCOM.TA B Communications $0.00
TNPV.TA TechnoPlus Ventures $0.00
NXTG.TA Nextage Therapeutics $0.00
MNRT.TA Menivim - The New Reit $0.00
CNZN.TA Canzon Israel $0.00
PRTC.TA Priortech $0.00
MDTR.TA Mediterranean Towers $0.00
MIFT.TA Millennium Food Tech Partnership $0.00
TLSY.TA Telsys $0.00
ADGR.TA Adgar Investments and Development $0.00
MCRNT.TA Micronet $0.00
ALLT.TA Allot $0.00
EFNC.TA Erech Finance Cahalacha $0.00
ISTA.TA Issta Lines $0.00
PLRM.TA Palram Industries $0.00
IBI.TA I.B.I Investment House $0.00
ARD.TA Arad $0.00
NXFR.TA NextFerm Technologies $0.00
GILT.TA Gilat Satellite Networks $0.00
GNRS.TA Generation Capital $0.00
MYSZ.TA My Size $0.00
SHVA.TA Automatic Bank Services $0.00
PTX.TA Petrotx - Partnership $0.00
TTAM.TA Tiv Taam 1 $0.00
CGEN.TA Compugen $0.00
EMCO.TA E & M Computing $0.00
CMDR.TA Computer Direct $0.00
AMD.TA Amiad Water Systems $0.00
DIPL.TA Diplomat $0.00
MTAV.TA Meitav Investment House $0.00
MISH.TA Mivtach Shamir $0.00
AFHL.TA Afcon $0.00
HNMR.TA Hanan Mor $0.00
GUID.TA Guideline Group Information Technologie $0.00
NAWI.TA Nawi Brothers Group $0.00
HRON.TA Hiron-Trade Investments & Industrial Buildings $0.00
BWAY.TA Brainsway $0.00
CAST.TA Castro Model $0.00
PPBT.TA Purple Biotech $0.00
GNCL.TA Gencell $0.00
KRUR.TA Kerur $0.00
ATRY.TA Atreyu Capital Markets $0.00
POLP.TA Polyram Plastic Industries $0.00
HAMAT.TA Hamat Group $0.00
GCT.TA Gazit Globe $0.00
VCTR.TA Victory Supermarket Chain $0.00
AQUA.TA Aquarius Engines $0.00
AUGN.TA Augwind Energy Tech Storage $0.00
KMDA.TA Kamada $0.00
FBRT.TA FMS Enterprises Migun $0.00
UNCR.TA Unet Credit Finance Services $0.00
MRIN.TA Y.D. More Investments $0.00
APLP.TA Apollo Power $0.00
CRML.TA Carmel Corp $0.00
JBNK.TA Bank of Jerusalem $0.00
PTCH.TA Israel Petrochemical Enterprises $0.00
ZMH.TA Z.M.H Hammerman $0.00
ZUR.TA Zur Shamir $0.00
AVGL.TA Avgol Industries $0.00
PEN.TA Peninsula Group $0.00
ELLO.TA Ellomay Capital $0.00
CLAB.TA CompuLab $0.00
SLGN.TA Solegreen $0.00
KVSR.TA Kvasir Education $0.00
MSKE.TA Meshek Energy - Renewable Energies $0.00
TRAN.TA Trucknet Enterprise $0.00
SRAC.TA S.R. Accord $0.00
BKRY.TA Bikurey Hasade $0.00
ORIN.TA Orian Sh.M. $0.00
BLND.TA Blender Financial Technologies $0.00
KLIL.TA Klil Industries $0.00
HMGS.TA HomeBiogas $0.00
MLRN.TA M.L.R.N Projects and Trade $0.00
KAFR.TA Kafrit Industries $0.00
WESR.TA Wesure Global Tech $0.00
RIMO.TA Rimoni Industries $0.00
MCMN.TA Michman Besd $0.00
NSTR.TA Norstar $0.00
NTO.TA Neto M.E $0.00
QLRD.TA Quicklizard $0.00
ROTS.TA Rotshtein Realestate $0.00
RZR.TA Razor Labs $0.00
KARE.TA Kardan Real Estate Enterprise and Development $0.00
TMRP.TA Tamar Petroleum $0.00
EMDV.TA Emilia Development $0.00
ASGR.TA Aspen Group $0.00
BSEN.TA Bet Shemesh Engines $0.00
LUZN.TA Amos Luzon Development and Energy $0.00
SOLR.TA Solaer Renewable Energies $0.00
ELRN.TA Elron Electronic Industries $0.00
ICCM IceCure Medical $0.00
INCR.TA InterCure $0.00
GOLD.TA The Gold Bond Group $0.00
RVL.TA Raval ACS $0.00
MNIF.TA Menif Financial Services $0.00
BVC.TA BATM Advanced Communications $0.00
WLFD.TA Willy-Food Investments $0.00
ORON.TA Oron Group Investments & $0.00
RPAC.TA Rapac Communication & Infrastructure $0.00
CDEV.TA Cohen Development Gas & Oil $0.00
MNIN.TA Mendelson Infrastructures & Industries $0.00
AMRK.TA Amir Marketing and Investments in Agriculture $0.00
RANI.TA Rani Zim Shopping Centers $0.00
BOTI.TA Bonei Hatichon Civil Engineering & Infrastructures $0.00
HOD.TA Hod Assaf Industries $0.00
NTGR.TA Netanel Group $0.00
KRDI.TA Kardan Israel $0.00
AYAL.TA Ayalon $0.00
SPNTC.TA N.R. Spuntech Industries $0.00
EXPO.TA Export Investment $0.00
ORBI.TA Orbit Technologies $0.00
SRFT.TA Zvi Sarfati & Sons Investments & Constructions $0.00
ANLT.TA Analyst I.M.S. Investment Management Services $0.00
ELMR.TA El-Mor Electric Installation & Services $0.00
SNCM.TA Suny Cellular Communication $0.00
DRSH.TA Dorsel $0.00
GLPL.TA Golan Plastic Products $0.00
PAYT.TA Payton Industries $0.00
ABRA.TA Abra Information Technologies $0.00
ASHO.TA Ashot Ashkelon Industries $0.00
ILDR.TA Israel Land Development - Urban Renewal $0.00
GOSS.TA G1 Secure Solutions $0.00
PNRG.TA Phinergy $0.00
AVER.TA Averbuch Formica Center $0.00
PLX Protalix BioTherapeutics $0.00
OVRS.TA Overseas Commerce $0.00
MSHR.TA Mishorim Real Estate Investments $0.00
ZNKL.TA Zanlakol $0.00
ENLV.TA Enlivex Therapeutics $0.00
TOPS.TA Top Ramdor Systems & Computers $0.00
SHOM.TA E.N. Shoham Business $0.00
MSLA.TA Maslavi Construction Company $0.00
BONS.TA Bonus BioGroup $0.00
UNIT.TA Unitronics $0.00
GAGR.TA Gaon Group $0.00
ALMA.TA Almogim $0.00
SHAN.TA Shaniv Paper Industry $0.00
YBOX.TA Ybox Real Estate $0.00
RTSN.TA Rotem Shani Entrepreneurship and Investment $0.00
OPAL.TA Opal Balance Investments $0.00
LUMI.TA Bank Leumi le-Israel $0.00
BRMG.TA Brimag Digital Age $0.00
ICL.TA ICL Group $0.00
AVIV.TA Mordechai Aviv Taasiot Beniyah $0.00
AZRG.TA Azrieli Group $0.00
PCBT.TA P.C.B. Technologies $0.00
MZTF.TA Mizrahi Tefahot Bank $0.00
RMN.TA Ram-On Investments $0.00
ESLT.TA Elbit Systems $0.00
BRAN.TA Baran Group $0.00
DSCT.TA Israel Discount Bank $0.00
GSFI.TA Gan Shmuel Foods $0.00
BEZQ.TA Bezeq The Israel Telecommunication Corp $0.00
GOLF.TA Golf & Co Group $0.00
LBTL.TA A. Libental $0.00
IBIU.TA I.B.I.- Managing & Underwriting $0.00
ANGL.TA Salomon A. Angel $0.00
NVMI.TA Nova $0.00
REKA.TA Rekah Pharmaceutical Industry $0.00
TSEM.TA Tower Semiconductor $0.00
SHNP.TA E. Schnapp & Co. Works $0.00
FIBI.TA First International Bank of Israel $0.00
TATT.TA TAT Technologies $0.00
MLSR.TA Melisron $0.00
MVNE.TA Mivne Real Estate $0.00
LUDN.TA Ludan Engineering $0.00
AMOT.TA Amot Investment $0.00
GOHO.TA Golden House $0.00
STRS.TA Strauss Group $0.00
SNFL.TA Sunflower Sustainable Investments $0.00
ALBA.TA Albaad Massuot Yitzhak $0.00
BIG.TA BIG Shopping Centers $0.00
MSVT.TA Massivit 3D Printing Technologies $0.00
PHOE.TA The Phoenix $0.00
UTRN.TA Utron $0.00
ILCO.TA Israel Corp $0.00
QLTU.TA Qualitau $0.00
ACCL.TA Accel Solutions Group $0.00
SPEN.TA Shapir Engineering and Industry $0.00
ASHG.TA Ashtrom $0.00
RLCO.TA Ralco Agencies $0.00
LSCO.TA Lesico $0.00
MTRN.TA Maytronics $0.00
TAYA.TA Taya Investment $0.00
HARL.TA Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services $0.00
CFX.TA Cofix Group $0.00
FOX.TA Fox-Wizel $0.00
BRIL.TA Brill Shoe Industries $0.00
AFPR.TA AFI Properties $0.00
BLRX.TA BioLineRx $0.00
ENLT.TA Enlight Renewable Energy $0.00
GAON.TA B. Gaon $0.00
ELTR.TA Electra $0.00
INTR.TA Inter Gamma Investment Company $0.00
SAE.TA Shufersal $0.00
ARPT.TA Airport City $0.00
LEOF.TA Lewinsky-Ofer $0.00
ALHE.TA Alony-Hetz Properties & Investments $0.00
KNFM.TA Knafaim $0.00
OPCE.TA OPC Energy $0.00
MSBI.TA Hamashbir 365 $0.00
RAVD.TA Ravad $0.00
AMAN.TA Amanet Management & Systems $0.00
ENRG.TA Energix - Renewable Energies $0.00
ARAN.TA Aran Research & Development $0.00
ELCO.TA Elco $0.00
QNCO.TA Y.Z. Queenco $0.00
MTRX.TA Matrix IT $0.00
FGAS.TA Fire & Gas Detection Technologies $0.00
SPNS.TA Sapiens International Corporation $0.00
BRND.TA Brand Industries $0.00
ISCN.TA Israel Canada $0.00
SPRG.TA Spring Ventures $0.00
MGDL.TA Migdal Insurance and Financial $0.00
CBI.TA Clal Biotechnology Industries $0.00
CLIS.TA Clal Insurance Enterprises $0.00
LODZ.TA Lodzia Rotex Investment $0.00
SKBN.TA Shikun & Binui $0.00
FRSX.TA Foresight Autonomous $0.00
FIBIH.TA F.I.B.I. $0.00
GNGR.TA Ginegar Plastic Products $0.00
MGOR.TA Mega Or $0.00
TFRLF.TA Tefron $0.00
ISRO.TA Isrotel $0.00
CISY.TA CI Systems $0.00
EMITF-M.TA Elbit Imaging $0.00
YAAC.TA Ya'acobi Brothers Group $0.00
BIOV.TA Bio-View $0.00
SHGR.TA Shagrir Group Vehicle Services $0.00
FTAL.TA Fattal $0.00
ORTC.TA O.R.T. Technologies $0.00
PTNR.TA Partner Communications Company $0.00
PRIM.TA Prime Energy $0.00
MMHD.TA Menora Mivtachim $0.00
EVGN.TA Evogene $0.00
SMT.TA Summit Real Estate $0.00
ARYT.TA Aryt Industries $0.00
PZOL.TA Paz Oil Company $0.00
ISRS.TA Isras Investment Company $0.00
PMVM.TA Pomvom $0.00
ONE.TA One Software Technologies $0.00
LHIS.TA Lachish Industries $0.00
EQTL.TA Equital $0.00
DIMRI.TA Y.H. Dimri Construction & Development $0.00
ININ.TA Inter Industries Plus $0.00
DLEKG.TA Delek Group $0.00
SEMG.TA Seach Medical $0.00
DLEA.TA Delek Automotive Systems $0.00
VISN.TA Vision Sigma $0.00
ALRPR.TA Alrov Properties and Lodgings $0.00
BNRG Brenmiller Energy $0.00
RIT1.TA Reit 1 $0.00
NXTM.TA Nextcom $0.00
FRDN.TA Fridenson Logistic Services $0.00
AZRM.TA Azorim-Investment Development & Construction $0.00
GKL.TA Global Knafaim Leasing $0.00
HLAN.TA Hilan $0.00
AVIA.TA Aviation Links $0.00
ECP.TA Electra Consumer Products $0.00
NISA.TA Nissan Medical Industries $0.00
DANE.TA Danel $0.00
DNA.TA D.N.A Biomedical Solutions $0.00
TDRN.TA Tadiran $0.00
TEDE.TA Tedea Technological Development and Automation $0.00
NYAX.TA Nayax $0.00
PPIL.TA Plastopil Hazorea Company $0.00
FORTY.TA Formula Systems $0.00
MYDS.TA Mydas Real Estate Investments $0.00
AUDC.TA AudioCodes $0.00
SNEL.TA Synel M.L.L Payway $0.00
ELCRE.TA Electra Real Estate $0.00
CMER.TA C. Mer Industries $0.00
HMAM.TA Hamama Meir Trading $0.00
CPTP.TA Capital Point $0.00
CAMT.TA Camtek $0.00
TKUN.TA Tikun Olam - Cannbit Pharmaceuticals $0.00
ARAD.TA Arad Investment & Industrial Development $0.00
CRMT.TA Carmit Candy Industries $0.00
BLSR.TA Blue Square Real Estate $0.00
DANH.TA Dan Hotels $0.00
MGIC.TA Magic Software Enterprises $0.00
SCC.TA Space-Communication $0.00
VILR.TA Villar International $0.00
HICN.TA Highcon Systems $0.00
RMLI.TA Rami Levi Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing $0.00
ELSPC.TA Elspec Engineering $0.00
PTBL.TA Property and Building $0.00
CTPL5.TA I.C.P. Israel Citrus Plantations $0.00
ISCD.TA Isracard $0.00
IMCO.TA IMCO Industries $0.00
ELAL.TA El Al Israel Airlines $0.00
NRGN.TA Energin .R Technologies $0.00
ORL.TA Oil Refineries $0.00
YHNF.TA M.Yochananof and Sons $0.00
TUZA.TA Teuza - A Fairchild Technology Venture $0.00

Acquistare azioni reali

Avviso: 74–89% di conti di investitori al dettaglio che perdono denaro a causa delle negoziazioni in CFD con questo fornitore. Valuti se può permettersi di correre questo alto rischio di perdere il Suo denaro.