Why Trade Forex

Forex trade today refers to the exchange of currency and speculating on it in the open market. Everyday $4 trillion worth of Forex trade takes place worldwide. From being trade that could be done by only banks and financial institutions the market has today been made accessible to individuals as well.

Beginning Forex trade is quite easy. An individual who wants to start Forex trade should have a minimum balance of $25,000 in his trade account. In case of future trading the individual has to maintain account sizes worth 1000’s of dollars with the future brokers. However in Forex trading there are several brokers who will allow you to do trading with just $1,000 in your account.

The best part of the Forex trading is that it takes place 24 hours a day. You can find an active pair to trade at any time of the day or night. The market is open for 5 ½ days a week. Hence even people with full time jobs can trade after their job hours.

Start trading with eToro
77% of retail CFD accounts lose money.

You can monitor detailed analysis of your Forex trading with the help of software that is provided free by the Forex dealers. This software show you financial figures in the form of data as well as charts. The charts give you a good idea of the figures over a period of time. Hence you can track the ups and downs of progress quickly when you have a chart in front of you.