0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract logo
0X0 Rank #494

0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract price

0.08399411 GBP

0.00000109 BTC

-4.33 %
Percentage change in price over the past:
24 hours 1 week 14 days 1 month 1 year
-4.33 % -22.83 % -36.64 % -59.19 % -6.52 %
51% of retail CFD accounts lose money.
1 app for Crypto, Stocks, and ETFs. 🚀
Highest price
All time high
0.40411703 GBP
-79.23 %
24h High
0.08869792 GBP
Lowest price
All time low
0.00022461 GBP
37275.94 %
24h Low
0.07999297 GBP
Max Supply
Circulating Supply
Market Cap
75 mil. GBP
-3.47 %
479 899 GBP

0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract chart

0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract price

The current price of 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract is around 0.08399411 GBP today (-4.33% 24h). The chart above shows the long-term value development of 0X0 against GBP, USD, and EUR. 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract is currently ranked #494 based on a market capitalization of 93,233,861.00 in USD. At present, this cryptocurrency has 891,250,000.00 coins in circulation. The price of 1 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract is determined on global exchanges and markets, including --- and others, where average daily values are formed. 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract is experiencing a period of correction; the price fell again today by up to -4.33%, continuing a longer-term downward trend, as it has also decreased by up to -22.83% over the past 7 days.

Price of 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract in fiat currencies
GBP 0.08399411 GBP
USD 0.103997 $
EUR 0.10105628 €
Change in last 24h -4.33 %
Change in last 7d -22.83 %
🚨 In the last 30 days, the price of 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract decreased by -59.19 %
Last update: 2025-02-09 23:00 (UTC)

Where to buy 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract?

The table displays a list of major exchanges and crypto trading platforms where you can buy or sell 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract. Investment in the cryptocurrency 0X0 is now more accessible due to the increased number of these platforms.Among the most popular exchanges with the largest market share for buying and selling the currency 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract are ---. The left column of the table displays the exchange name, and the right column shows the most traded currency pair.

Ranking Exchange Currency Pair Market share (%)
Daily Gainers
7-day Change 24h Change
59.62 % 3.59 %
The Grays Currency PTGC
45.89 % -0.26 %
MimbleWimbleCoin MWC
37.47 % -1.91 %
21 % -2.98 %
Telcoin TEL
19.62 % -0.79 %
Show all
Daily Losers
7-day Change 24h Change
-34.26 % -11.08 %
dogwifhat WIF
-30.88 % -8.46 %
Arweave AR
-29.23 % -6.42 %
-27.95 % -9.13 %
Eigenlayer EIGEN
-27.08 % -2.51 %
Kaspa KAS
Show all
gbp Currency
1 0X0
usd Currency
1 0X0
eur Currency
1 0X0

0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract calculator

This tool allows you to convert 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract to common fiat currencies and vice versa. Easily find out how many British pounds, euros, or US dollars correspond to a specific amount of 0X0. It works the other way around too—simply enter an amount in pounds, euros, or dollars. Whether you want to know how much 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract you'll get for your money or how much you can buy with a certain amount. The calculator also includes a conversion table, providing a quick way to convert commonly used amounts when exchanging 0X0 to popular fiat currencies.

0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract-logo 0x0 GBP Currency GBP USD Currency USD EUR Currency EUR
0.001 0.00008399 0.000104 0.00010106
0.0025 0.00020999 0.00025999 0.00025264
0.005 0.00041997 0.00051999 0.00050528
0.01 0.00083994 0.00103997 0.00101056
0.025 0.00209985 0.00259993 0.00252641
0.05 0.00419971 0.00519985 0.00505281
0.1 0.00839941 0.0103997 0.01010563
0.25 0.02099853 0.02599925 0.02526407
0.5 0.04199706 0.0519985 0.05052814
1 0.08399411 0.103997 0.10105628
0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract-logo 0x0 GBP Currency GBP USD Currency USD EUR Currency EUR
2.5 0.20998528 0.2599925 0.25264069
5 0.41997057 0.519985 0.50528138
10 0.83994113 1.04 1.01
25 2.1 2.6 2.53
50 4.2 5.2 5.05
100 8.4 10.4 10.11
250 21 26 25.26
500 42 52 50.53
1000 83.99 103 101
5000 419 519 505

All-time high

The price of 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract reached a recent high of 0.40411703 GBP on 2024-03-12. The price change since the last peak (all-time high) is -79.23 %. The highest price in the last 24 hours was at 0.08869792 GBP.

All-time low

The lowest recorded price of 0x0.ai: AI Smart Contract was 0.00022461 GBP on 2023-02-01. The change in price since the last all-time low is 37275.94 %. The lowest price in the last 24 hours was 0.07999297 GBP.