XANA logo
XETA Rank #1169
0.00592468 GBP

0.00000011 BTC

-0.39 %
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Price Change
24h 7d 14d 30d 1y
-0.39 % -2.61 % -9.87 % -55.91 % -75.79 %
Highest price
All time high
0.1211435 GBP
-95.13 %
24h High
0.00595141 GBP
All time low
All time low
0.00471392 GBP
25.05 %
24h Low
0.00558188 GBP
Max Supply
Circulating Supply
Market Cap
14 mil. GBP
3.03 %
1 mil. GBP

XANA price prediction

The forecast of the future movement of XANA cryptocurrency prices is based on the analysis (BUY, NEUTRAL, or SELL) that shows us the market sentiment over different time intervals (from 1 minute to 1 month). This future projection is based on the positive and negative trends of the last 30 days, considered by this widget, particularly the indicators of technical analysis. This widget should be used with caution; it is not a recommendation, nor a tool that predicts the price for the next month, week, or 2024. The widget is merely an indicative support that can help determine the current market sentiment, whether bullish or bearish. It is therefore exclusively for an approximate estimate of the future price movement.


Using technical analysis can help us specify the future development of the direction of the cryptocurrency XANA XETA. This tool serves mainly for a producing a rough estimate of the development of direction and growth and it consists of 24 technical analysis indicators. It is thus an advanced tool that displays rating (BUY or SELL) based on technical indicators. The ratings are displayed in real time on a scale from 1 minute to 1 month.


This tool only produces a rough and indicative estimate of the forecast of the direction development of the cryptocurrency XANA; therefore, we definitely do not recommend trading in XANA or buying XANA based solely on this tool, as the price and development of XANA are affected by numerous other factors, for instance by fundamental reports from all over the world, geo-political events and other risks that nobody can forecast beforehand and which are understandably not included in this tool for the purpose of rating the direction of price development.

XANA prediction

Calculate your cryptocurrency gain or loss, or future percentage (%) gain or loss, based on the % you want to achieve, or calculate the price level at which your acceptable % loss is.

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